Addiction | 4 min read

Why A Private Detox Center Is Your Best Choice

Medically Reviewed

Medically Reviewed By

Dr. Po-Chang Hsu

Dr. Po-Chang Hsu

On August 30, 2022

Written By

Amanda Stevens

Amanda Stevens, B.S.

On June 10, 2020

Ascendant Bronx Family Therapy & Rehab Near Me
Reading Time: 4 minutes

No one wants to admit they have a problem with drugs or alcohol. And keeping it a secret from friends, family, and colleagues is no easy task. Likewise, once the “cat’s out of the bag” and it’s time to get help, privacy becomes just as important as before. If you’re a doctor, CEO, or career-driven type, your reputation is on the line. In these instances, confidentiality issues take on a whole new level of importance. This is where a private detox center can help.

Private detox centers are designed with these concerns in mind, protecting your privacy at each step of the recovery process while providing personalized treatment care. While more expensive than public treatment options, the accommodations, personalized care, and range of therapies work together to ensure your individual treatment needs are addressed.

Public vs. Private Detox Care – What’s the Difference?

Public and private detox programs work towards the same primary goal: helping individuals overcome the effects of drug abuse and addiction in their lives. However, these two program types differ greatly in accomplishing this task. More often than not, the determining factor is funding. The program’s funding determines how it’s set up and what it can offer.

Public detox programs receive funding from state governments. Since there’s only so much money to go around, this limits the level and range of services they can offer. Typically, public programs can only provide a basic set of treatment modalities. Also, these programs tend to have high patient-to-staff ratios, limiting the personalized care each patient receives.

On the other hand, private detox centers, also known as executive detox, luxury detox, and celebrity detox programs, receive funding from the patients they serve. This means they have a strong financial incentive to provide quality, effective care. Granted, private programs tend to cost considerably more than public ones, but these costs are reflected in the wide range of therapies offered, the accommodations provided, and the level of customized care and privacy you receive.

Reasons to Choose a Private Detox Center

Your Privacy Is Protected

Private detox centers look out for your privacy on two fronts: your medical information and your locale. The Health Care Privacy Act requires treatment programs of all types to protect your identity and personal information. Unless you give your written consent, no one can gain access to your records. Treatment programs must also release their privacy policies regularly per HIPAA guidelines.

As far as your treatment locale goes, many private detox centers are situated in secluded and even scenic settings, such as along the ocean or in mountain-view settings. Most facilities also provide secured entrances concealed from the street, allowing you to come and go in privacy. These protections are designed to create an environment where you can focus on your recovery.

Treatment Help When You Need It

Once you reach a point where there’s no denying the need for treatment help, gaining access to treatment services becomes critical. This is especially true when addiction has taken hold. Addiction is a mental struggle, and it uses denial to support the constant drug cravings that help drive drug-using behaviors. Under these conditions, any breakthrough, in terms of seeing the problem for what it is, must be acted on asap. However, unlike the long waiting lists that many public detox facilities have, a private detox center can provide treatment help when you most need it.

Personalized Treatment Planning

Drug abuse and addiction affect each person differently. While certain standard treatment approaches for detox are known to be effective, a “one-size-fits-all” approach can only personalize treatment planning to a point. Your treatment plan will determine the types of services you receive. It will also gauge your progress and make adjustments along the way. This means the effectiveness of your treatment plan will hinge on the credentials and experience of the staff involved in your care.

Private detox centers employ credentialed professionals who are specialists in their areas of work. Rather than have a doctor who’s a general practitioner, a standard nurse, or a therapist fresh out of graduate school, your treatment team will be made up of professionals who specialize in the field of addiction. Ultimately, a program’s ability to offer a customized treatment experience depends on how competent the staff is.

Comfortable Accommodations

If you’re accustomed to a certain standard of living, the last thing you want is to sacrifice creature comforts while undergoing detox withdrawal. In this respect, private programs become luxury detox retreats. Here are just a few of the types of accommodations that may be provided:

  • Chef-prepared, gourmet cuisine
  • Private suites
  • Gym facilities
  • Swimming pool
  • Spa and sauna

Private detox centers also strive to go above and beyond regarding the range of therapies they provide. Along with standard one-on-one therapy and group therapy treatments, it’s not uncommon for these programs to offer holistic therapies that address not only the body and mind but also the spiritual self. Types of holistic therapies offered may include:

  • Equine therapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Massage therapy
  • Tai chi
  • Yoga
  • Music therapy
  • Art therapy
  • Meditation

Things to Keep in Mind

As skilled, private, and plush as private detox centers may be, cost factors tend to loom larger than normal when drug abuse and addiction start to drain the family finances. Fortunately, most private detox programs consider this, offering flexible payment options that make treatment more affordable. Besides accepting most forms of health insurance, private programs allow you to set up payment plans that spread the cost of treatment over a set period.

There’s no substitute for feeling safe when going through a difficult time. The seclusion, comfort, quality treatment, and one-on-one care offered by private detox centers all work together to create safe, comfortable atmospheres that support your efforts in recovery. If you can afford this level of care or have the means to access this level of care, the experience is well worth the cost.

If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction and seeking substance abuse programs in New Jersey or New York, call Ascendent today to discuss your options with our caring, professional, and discrete staff. Our alcohol detox in NYC has helped many individuals safely break their addiction and build the foundation for sustainable recovery.

Was this article helpful? Follow our blog for more information about addiction, substance use, and how to get help. Recent posts include topics such as the detox drug myth and how healthy eating can help you stay sober. 

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Amanda Stevens


Amanda Stevens, B.S.

Amanda is a prolific medical content writer specializing in eating disorders and addiction treatment. She graduated Magna Cum Laude from Purdue University with a B.S. in Social Work. Read more

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