Detox | 8 min read

How to Find Quality Drug Detoxification Programs

Medically Reviewed

Medically Reviewed By

Dr. Po-Chang Hsu

Dr. Po-Chang Hsu

On September 2, 2022

Written By

Amanda Stevens

Amanda Stevens, B.S.

On August 4, 2019

What To Expect At Our Medical Drug Detox Center in NYC
Reading Time: 8 minutes

Many people have come across the terms “drugs” and “detoxification,” but only a few may know what these terms truly mean. So if you happen to be among the larger percentage of people who don’t know the meaning of these terms, worry no more because you’re about to find out.

A drug is any substance that, when introduced into a person’s body, alters the normal physiological functioning of the body. On the other hand, detoxification refers to the process of slowly attaining independence from the use of such substances described above, which, when introduced into the body, interfere with the body’s normal physiological functioning.

Drug Detoxification

Drug detoxification is, therefore, the process of making one’s body independent of drugs. For instance, if one is an alcohol addict, drug detoxification works by eliminating all the alcohol content in that particular person’s bloodstream.

Recent research by the National Institute on Drug Abuse(NIDA) shows that over 5 percent of the world’s population struggles with addiction and substance abuse. The big question here is, what happens after you realize you are an addict? Do you lock yourself away or continue drowning in your addiction?

Being diagnosed as an addict is not the end of your journey. It only marks the beginning of a recovery journey. Drug detox centers offer a solution to those seeking a healthy lifestyle free of drug and substance abuse. The important thing is to remain focused throughout the entire detoxification process.

It is essential to know that there are different types of detoxification programs. This is because drug addiction varies from alcohol, opioids (for example, heroin, fentanyl, OxyContin, Vicodin, codeine, and morphine), stimulants (for example, cocaine and methamphetamine), benzodiazepines (for example, Xanax, Klonopin, and Ativan), sleeping medications (for instance Ambien, Halcion, and Lunesta), and marijuana.

Therefore, one should be careful about which type of detoxification one chooses. Drug detoxification programs include cold turkey, medical detox, natural detox, drug tapering, detox kits, rapid detox, and at-home rehab. All these programs differ per the type of addiction they detox.

Different detox programs have different effects on the patient. Therefore, strict considerations should be made when finding the right drug detoxification that will work for you correctly.

For instance, one should consider:

  1. What detox method is utilized?
  2. What is the typical length of the program?
  3. What is the price of the program?
  4. Does the program accept insurance? If so, which plans?
  5. What are the credentials of the staff members?
  6. What amenities and services are offered?
  7. Are rooms private or shared?
  8. Does the treatment team help patients transition into addiction treatment?

Having understood and answered these questions, you are ready to understand the different types of drug detoxification programs.


Drug Detoxification Programs-Ascendant New York Detox

Types of Drug Detoxification Programs As outlined earlier, there are various types of detoxification programs ranging from cold turkey, medical detox, natural detox, drug tapering, detox kits, rapid detox, to at-home detox. Let us now discuss each type in detail.

Medical Detox

Medical detox is a detox program used when a drug addict is admitted and taken care of at a detox center. This kind of detoxification program is called medical detox. It involves the patient staying in a medical facility such as a rehabilitation center where they can be easily monitored for the prevalence of withdrawal symptoms that might re-occur during the detoxification period. These medical facilities are endowed with personnel who provide the patients with the necessary medication to lessen the withdrawal effects. If need be, these patients are also provided with essential mental health support.

Natural Detox

Sometimes people separate themselves from others and set time alone to stop using drugs, a process called natural detox. This way, they are in a position to go through withdrawal symptoms away from others and temptations that the world sets before them. Our fellow drinking friends will always invite us for a free drink. It is almost impossible to say no to such a tempting invitation. During this process, a person may use teas and supplements to detoxify the body. This kind of detox program involves other holistic detoxification programs, which consist of a combination of spiritual and nutritional support such as yoga, acupuncture, and massage.

Drug Tapering

Some people prefer stopping the usage of a drug sequentially. For instance, if one talks about marijuana or alcohol daily, one might reduce it to four times or thrice a week. As time goes by, they gain independence over their drug and start taking it thrice a month until they stop taking drug. This program is highly recommendable because one faces fewer withdrawal symptoms which are easier to curb. Usually, if one opts for drug tapering, it is advisable to undertake this path with the aid of skilled medical personnel.

Detox Kits

These are cleansing kits that are sold in the local drug stores. The primary purpose of these kits is to help the person with withdrawal symptoms. Detox kits are not the best detoxification approach because they are not medically proven. Some people call it the “do-it-yourself” version of medical detoxification. Since it is self-administered, it poses various health risks due to the lack of skilled medical personnel to monitor your withdrawal symptoms. Therefore, this program should be your last option for detoxification.

Cold Turkey

One might decide to stop using drugs suddenly. This approach is cold, the cold turkey. In most cases, this approach has failed due to the frequent urge the patient faces to retake the drugs. Therefore, it is very dangerous due to the withdrawal symptoms it depicts, which causes the patient to seek refuge in the drugs they were trying to run from. For example, young adults may fail to succeed in quitting alcohol because they find themselves craving for it to quench their withdrawal symptoms shortly after they have sworn not to use alcohol again.

Rapid Detox

Rapid detox involves an inpatient procedure whereby the patient is put under the influence of anesthesia, after which the drug is flushed from the person’s system. In this case, most withdrawal symptoms do not occur for a few nights. Rapid detox is a costly procedure that must be carried out in a medical facility.

At-Home Detox

Just as the name suggests, it is when a person undergoes detoxing in the comfort of their home. Caution should be taken since it is very dangerous if done without supervision from a medical professional.

Reasons One Should Register for a Drug Detoxification Program

Ascendant New York Detox Outside


  •  Provision of Professional Care

Drug addiction patients regularly suffer from mental illnesses such as anxiety, schizophrenia, depression, and bipolar disorder, which are easily treated through such a program. Once these mental conditions are identified, medication is prescribed to prevent further deterioration of the patient.

  • Medicinal Maintenance

One can easily access continuous pharmacological intervention, which could address any problematic withdrawal symptoms during treatment. This way, medical personnel can keep records that monitor the patient’s progress, thus easily identifying other health issues that are treated immediately.

  • Individualized Treatment Plans

Once one registers for a particular program, it is easy to evaluate their symptoms and mental health, thus monitoring them carefully through a treatment plan. Medical professionals spend ample time with the patients, monitor their progress, and therefore give them prescriptions that enable them to overcome withdrawal symptoms and encourage them to press on.

  • Peer Counseling

It becomes easier for patients to share their experiences and enlighten one another in different ways to overcome addiction. People facing similar situations do not at any point judge one another, thus creating a platform where they can advise one another. Such gatherings have helped a lot of patients in their recovery journey.

  • Drug Education and Life Skills Classes

The program offers patients classes that enlighten them about the short and long-term effects of drug use on their bodies. Also, they are equipped with life skills, which help them to face life after detoxification by molding them into self-sufficient individuals.

Why Choose Ascendant New York

Ascendant New York Detox Center

  • Unparalleled Treatment Experience

Ascendant New York Drug Detoxification Center is equipped with counselors who closely monitor the patients, thus creating a platform for easy communication between the counselor and the patient. For instance, the patient can share their withdrawal symptoms with the counselor, enabling the counselor to advise the patient accordingly.

  • Inpatient and Outpatient Programs

Most people feel ashamed to disclose their addiction status to their friends and family because they fear rejection and misjudgment from those who mean the most to them. For example, it would be challenging for people to disclose to their parents that they are alcoholics because the parents hold them in high esteem. This piece of news would completely devastate them. For this reason, we provide both Inpatient and Outpatient Programs to suit your needs at Ascendant New York Drug Detoxification Center.

  • Supportive Environment

Addiction has taught many to share their experiences to encourage one another. At Ascendant New York Drug Detoxification Center, we set up a group of peers during therapy sessions. This group of peers does not judge you, thus making you feel at ease with them. Such an environment is fruitful in advising one another on the do’s and dont’s during the detoxification process. For example, it will be easy to warn a fellow patient to avoid clubs because of the thirst one feels. However, if another person did so, it would appear restrictive.

  • Medically Supervised Detox Program

Have you ever heard of a drug detoxification center that allows patients to sneak in drugs? Before one is admitted to Ascendant New York Drug Detoxification Center, they are informed of the rules and regulations which must be strictly followed. If these rules are broken, one is evicted from the center for good. Therefore, these guiding rules help in shaping patients into self-sufficient individuals. As a result, they gain independence over drugs.

  • Providence of Aftercare 

Often, many patients suffer a relapse after a detoxification process. For this reason, Ascendant New York Drug Detoxification Center has medical professionals who provide their patients with aftercare.

Aftercare aims to guide patients into self-reliant individuals who can say no to alcohol and other drugs, which would be easily accessible once they are out of the recovery centers.


Drug detoxification is the ultimate way of getting rid of drug substances in our systems. If you depend on drugs, worry no more because there is hope for you. Different quality drug detoxification programs include medical detox, drug tapering, rapid detox, at-home detox, detox kits, natural detox, and cold turkey. Medical detox involves keeping patients in a recovery center where they are closely monitored.


Drug tapering is the act of stopping the use of drugs sequentially. On the other hand, rapid detox involves using an anesthetic to flush drugs out of a person’s system, while at-home detox refers to detoxification while one is in the comfort of their home. Whichever type of detox one chooses depends on the kind of addiction and the level of addiction.

A person suffering from addiction is strongly advised to register for a drug detoxification program which significantly helps them in various ways, such as the provision of psychiatric care, individualized treatment plans, availability of group counseling, provision of medicational maintenance, and the provision of drug education and life skills classes. This way, a patient attains a sense of belonging.

Besides, benefits such as availability of counselors, privacy, peer support, non-tolerance, provision of aftercare, and a stable environment are reaped from frequent visitation to the drug detoxification programs. It is essential to use the internet, refer to renowned hospitals, and seek professional advice while finding the best drug detoxification program to enroll in.

If you or a loved one are seeking drug or alcohol detox in New York, Ascendant is here to help. We serve clients from New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, and the country. So make a call now and start your detoxification journey. Remember, the earlier, the better.

Was this article helpful? Follow our blog for more information about addiction, substance use, and how to get help. Recent posts include topics such as the effects of cocaine on your nose and the stages of addiction.

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Amanda Stevens


Amanda Stevens, B.S.

Amanda is a prolific medical content writer specializing in eating disorders and addiction treatment. She graduated Magna Cum Laude from Purdue University with a B.S. in Social Work. Read more

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  1. National Institute on Drug Abuse. Trends & Statistics. National Institute on Drug Abuse. Published February 6, 2020. Accessed September 2, 2022.